Honor Your Life
Address: 201 1st Ave NE, Browning MT, 59417
Phone: (406)-338-5563
Improve comprehensive health services to elderly by promoting preventive health strategies to improve their daily lives.
Underaged drinking
Binge drinking
Prevention vaping
Parenting Montana
Prevention activities
We meet with the Regional North Central Team of Prevention Specialists. We also meet with the State Prevention Academy yearly and attend state wide trainings on prevention quarterly.
Red Ribbon Week
Prevention activities
Mental health month
Suicide awareness month
LGBTQ pride parade
Mental health glow walk
Youth days-in all communities
Prevention (Youth Aware of Mental Health) YAM in Heart Butte and Browning High Schools
After prom activities
Awareness prevention-vaping
Coalition build with communities that care
Health fairs- BCC
Browning public schools
Heart Butte graduation